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What are the benefits of private Pilates? Four reasons to book a 1:1 Pilates session at Four!

What are the benefits of private Pilates? Four reasons to book a 1:1 Pilates session at Four!

Are you curious about the benefits of 1:1 Pilates sessions? While group classes are popular, there's something uniquely enriching about a personalised, one-on-one approach to Pilates. Here’s four reasons to try out our private Pilates services here at Four:

Holly McIntosh ·
~2 minute read

1. It’s all about you:

In a 1:1 Pilates session, the focus is solely on you. Your teacher will take the time to understand your unique goals, concerns, and physical abilities. Whether you're recovering from an injury, looking to improve your strength and flexibility, or simply want to refine your technique, having a dedicated instructor by your side ensures that every movement is carefully crafted to suit your individual needs.

2. Tailored workouts:

Your instructor will create a program tailored to target your areas of focus and address any imbalances or weaknesses you may have. Whether you prefer to work on core strength, improve your posture, or enhance your overall fitness, 1:1 Pilates sessions allow for a bespoke approach that caters to your goals and preferences!

3. Gain a deeper understanding:

One of the greatest benefits of 1:1 Pilates sessions is the opportunity to deepen your understanding of the practice and to learn more about your own body and its movement patterns. Your instructor will provide detailed explanations, demonstrations, and hands-on adjustments to help you refine your technique and perfect your form. This individualised guidance not only enhances your performance but also empowers you with valuable insights that you can carry with you beyond the studio.

4. Motivation and accountability:

With our 1:1 Pilates sessions, you'll have a dedicated partner to support and motivate you through every step of your fitness journey. Our instructors will keep you accountable, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements, creating a positive and encouraging environment that inspires you to reach your goals!

Our instructors at Four are highly qualified in teaching Pilates in both private and group settings. Our physiotherapists are also available for rehab-based or more clinical Pilates sessions depending on your physical and injury history.

How do I book?

Ready to take your Pilates practice to the next level? Sign up for a 1:1 session today and experience the magic for yourself!

For Pilates instructor-led sessions you can book these through our online booking system under 'Services'. Or for physiotherapy-led clinical Pilates sessions please ask your physio or get in touch with our admin team to make a booking.

Private Pilates